A finding of marriage fraud is a lifetime bar to a later filed immigrant visa by another spouse. This situation commonly arises when an immigrant pays someone to help them get their green card by posing as their spouse even though they have no relationship, do not live together and the marriage was set up solely for immigration purposes. Many times, an immigrant will get away with marriage fraud at the initial green card interview but will be caught later when the immigrant tries to release the condition and their spouse sabotages the interview or comes forward to INS about the fraud.
Is all hope lost for he immigrant? Maybe not. If the immigrant has been placed in removal due solely to the fraud in obtaining their green card, the immigrant may be eligible to waive the fraud and essentially back date it, as if it never happened. This is especially crucial in situations where the immigrant has since remarried to a US citizen and this marriage is real. The marriage fraud bars any visa application based on this new marriage so the immigrant had to file the waiver. The waiver is only available in immigration court and is always a risky venture. Always contact an immigration lawyer with experience with waivers to determine if you qualify
Is all hope lost for he immigrant? Maybe not. If the immigrant has been placed in removal due solely to the fraud in obtaining their green card, the immigrant may be eligible to waive the fraud and essentially back date it, as if it never happened. This is especially crucial in situations where the immigrant has since remarried to a US citizen and this marriage is real. The marriage fraud bars any visa application based on this new marriage so the immigrant had to file the waiver. The waiver is only available in immigration court and is always a risky venture. Always contact an immigration lawyer with experience with waivers to determine if you qualify

Attorney Heather L. Poole practices exclusively in the area of U.S. family-based immigration law and citizenship law. Heather is a nationally-published immigration author, frequent lecturer on immigration issues, and member & officer of the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s Southern California Chapter. For more information about Heather and the services offered, visit www.humanrightsattorney.com