Representing Clients All Over the U.S.
Hire Attorney Heather

I’m Ready to Get Started!

I want to take Back Control Over my Immigration Destiny & Want Heather to Be My Attorney.

Congratulations and Welcome to the Family! We’re Looking forward to working with you towards your immigration goals. We appreciate your trust and confidence in us. 

Easy to Get Started:

(1) You’ve Already Received a Link to Initial and Sign  Your Engagment Agreement – Please return the agreement to us by the deadline listed in the agreement to preserve your fee quote and my availability to take on your case. 

(2) Pay the Retainer (Legal Fees) to Start Your case (type in the amount of the retainer, depending on which payment plan you chose – call us if you are not sure) by clicking on this button below:




****Remember, I cannot become your Attorney and we can’t start on your case until both the legal fees are paid and the engagement agreement is signed & returned to us. ****

What Happens Next:

After payment and the engagement agreement is received in my office, you will receive specific, detailed instructions from us shortly to start compiling necessary documentation and what we need from you to make your case the strongest it can be to improve your chances of approval.  As always if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. 

Warm Regards,